To Pledge Your Support please complete the form below. A member of our team will contact you to discuss your pledge and any additional requirements. If you would like to know more about Together for Nursing before making a pledge, please email to arrange a call back to discuss.
Link to pledge form
Should collect the following info:
Company Name - Free text
Name - Free Text
Position - Free Text
Contact email - Free Text
Phone Number - Free Text
pledge amount - Free Text
Region/Nation - Drop Down Options UK, England, Northern Ireland, Scotland Wales
How will my information be used?
Protecting your privacy is very important to us. So that you can feel in control of your personal information, we want to be clear with you about the information we collect and how it is used. Read our Privacy Statement to find out how we use and store your information.
Your pledge will be used in the following ways:
£75 will pay for...
£75 could be the difference between having food or going hungry. This money could support a nurse, midwife or healthcare support worker with a long-term illness attend hospital appointments and feed their family while they are unable to work.
£750 will pay for...
Your kind donation of £750 will help with a nurse fleeing domestic abuse afford the deposits and electrical items needed to begin a new life with their family.
£7,500 will pay for...
Your kind donation of £7,500 will allow us to provide education grants to create the next generation of nurses providing specialist support for patients with acute needs in your region.