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RCN Foundation’s corporate partners are crucial in helping us to support nursing and improve patient care.

The incredible companies that partner with us help the RCN Foundation to raise funds so that we can provide for any member of the nursing team - whether they are facing hardship, wanting to develop themselves through education activities, or looking for innovative ways to improve care for their patients.

Every day, thousands of people rely on the care of nurses, midwives and nursing support workers. By becoming a corporate partner, you will be demonstrating to your customers and staff that you are committed to giving vital support back to these caring professionals.

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Ways to partner with us

There are many different ways that you can support our work in a way that helps the RCN Foundation and your company.


Sponsorship is a fantastic way to support the RCN Foundation whilst achieving a route to market and generating great brand awareness amongst your customers and our supporters.

We hold a number of events such as our annual Impact Awards, Annual Lecture, conferences, and seminar. These are attended by a wide range of nursing professionals at senior and other levels. We also have opportunities to sponsor programmes of work focussed on our key priorities and to get involved with our alumni network of previous grant recipients.

As part of the RCN Group, our marketing messages and materials have the potential to reach many thousands of nurses, midwives and nursing support workers.

As well as making a difference to a great cause, you sponsorship ensures brand exposure to extended audiences and enhances your corporate image.

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Charity of the Year 

You can choose us as your Charity of the Year partner. Whether your company runs a Charity of the Year scheme, or you hold employee fundraising activities on a more individual basis, we would love to hear from you. We can provide you with dedicated support and creative ideas to make the most of your employees’ fundraising efforts. Please get in touch if you'd like to know more at

Payroll Giving 

Payroll giving is an easy way for your employees to give to charity tax-free and direct from their pay. Giving your employees the opportunity to give through their pay shows your commitment to working with the wider community. It also costs very little to implement and is simple to run, in fact most companies say it takes just ten minutes a month to administer, even if you have thousands of employees.

If you don't yet have a payroll giving scheme, it is very easy to set one up.

- Register for free with a Government-approved Payroll Giving Agency. Take a look at this list for more information about the options

- Set up your payroll system for payroll giving

- You're ready to offer the scheme to your employees!

For more information about these and other ways that your company can support our work, please get in touch and we’d be happy to discuss.