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The RCN Foundation supports nursing-led projects that aim to improve the health and wellbeing of the public.

The RCN Foundation project grants scheme makes an impact on the lives and careers of the nursing community and on the general public by addressing public and community health issues. Here are some examples of our funded projects.

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YARNS study

The RCN Foundation funded a study to review and inform the development of age-appropriate support and rehabilitation for young adults experiencing stroke.

Image Library project funded

Library and Heritage Centre

The Foundation funded the redevelopment of the RCN Library and Heritage centre in 2012 for the benefit of the nursing community and the general public.

nurse holding hands of elderly person

End of life film and resources

An RCN Foundation £3,000 grant to the Royal College of Nursing paid for a film and an educational resource about lessons learnt from Josh and his adoptive family’s story

student nurses in bangladesh

Supporting the Impact Foundation in Bangladesh

In 2016, in partnership with the RCN President’s Charity, the RCN Foundation awarded a grant to the Impact Foundation to support the training of two student nurses in Bangladesh. 

nurse handing in pen to patient

Community nursing in Scotland

Our £20,000 grant funded an online resource which documented the working lives of the Queen’s Nurses from across Scotland.

nurse with folder

Social Care Nurses guide to Revalidation

The RCN Foundation was delighted to fund FoNS to develop a video animation  ‘a practical guide to revalidation for nurses working in social care’. 

Mediterranean food

Interactive app for nurses

Thanks to our £20,000 grant, nurses can now download a free app to help identify trigger points during their working shifts when they are most likely to make unhealthy eating choices


Tackling loneliness and isolation

Intergenerational befriending can combat social isolation and loneliness. 

open book library

Nursing through time: school resource

In 2015, the RCN Foundation funded £30,000 to the RCN to produce a printed educational resource called ‘Nursing through time’ aimed at Key Stage 3 students (11-14yrs). This resource was also publised online and is free for schools to download.

elderly asian woman in hospital bed

RCN Dementia Project

The RCN Foundation awarded the RCN a grant to develop resources, including webpages, booklets and a DVD supporting the development of dementia care guidelines.


The Our Time Foundation Programme

The RCN Foundation funded a grant of £16,000 towards the Who Cares? programme that encourages schools to better support children in families in which a parent has a mental illness.