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Leave a gift in your Will and support the nursing team for generations. 

Gifts in Wills, no matter what size, are vital to our work supporting current and former nurses, midwives and nursing support workers. 

We know that when it comes to making a Will, providing for your loved ones will be your top priority.

Many people find that after family and friends are taken care of, they’d like to leave a gift to a cause they care about.

By choosing to remember the RCN Foundation in your Will, you’ll  be making sure members of the nursing team get support when they need it most.

Nurses kept me alive when I had my appendix out and they found a cancerous lump. I will be forever grateful to the care I received. That’s why I’m happy to be able to give something back to the nursing community in my Will." - Roger, supporter of the RCN Foundation

Female Carer with Elderly Man during a blood pressure test 

Different ways to leave a gift in your Will

You could help support the next generation of nurses by leaving a gift to the RCN Foundation in your Will. There are two main ways to leave a gift: 

A share of your estate: Known as a ‘residuary gift’, you can leave a percentage of what's left to RCN Foundation after your loved ones have been taken care of. 

A cash gift: Known as a ‘pecuniary gift’, this is a fixed sum of money. It could be £100 or £1,000, and won't change over time.   

Find out more about leaving a gift in your Will

You can download our legacy leaflet or If you have any questions about gifts in Wills, please call our fundraising team at 020 7647 3622 or We would be happy to answer any questions you may have.