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You're a committed, talented and valued member of the nursing team. That's why you received an RCN Foundation education grant.

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Thanks to the education and training that you have undertaken, you have made a huge difference to patient care.

As a grant recipient you’re now an important member of our alumni network. You can:

  • receive a regular e-newsletter about the people and work the RCN Foundation supports

  • find out more about, and connect with, outstanding and award-winning alumni

  • update your contact details by emailing to make sure you hear about alumni events, opportunities and benefits.

How you can help other nursing professionals

We'd appreciate anything you could do to help other nursing team members, who like you, are looking for support through the RCN Foundation.

Working together, the nursing community can address the challenges faced by modern nursing today and be prepared for what the future holds.

Female Nurse handing paper to a colleage around a busy table


Continue your career development, support current grant recipients and network with other alumni by volunteering for the RCN Foundation. You could:

  • Mentor a current grant recipient to help someone tackle challenges in their nursing career

  • Share your career profile to inspire others to pursue a job in nursing

  • Run a masterclass or workshop at one of our events to lead best practice

To find out more about volunteering, please email:


Support the RCN Foundation by making a regular gift or one-off donation to fund much-needed education and hardship grants, and projects that develop research and practice in nursing.

Want to join as an alumni?

Our grant recipients will automatically be added to our alumni network. 

This grant enabled me to start my course work and assist me to come to the conclusion that I wanted to be a nurse lecturer. This is something I achieved on 2nd July 2018, a whole year after receiving a grant from the Foundation. I think receiving the award gave me the realisation to follow my dreams." - Sophie