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Jefferies donation to COVID-19 Support Fund

International financial services group Jefferies International Ltd has donated $100,000 to the RCN Foundation COVID-19 Support Fund in memory of their late CFO, Peg Broadbent.

The very generous donation will contribute to the RCN Foundation’s COVID-19 Support Fund, which was established to respond directly to the challenges faced by nurses, midwives and health care support workers and provide them with extra support as they carry us through this global crisis.

The donation is part of Jefferies’ global support effort, with a  total of $9.25m donated to 85 charities worldwide, in honour of the memory of their late CFO, Peg Broadbent, who sadly passed away due to complications arising from COVID-19.

Of the donation, Jefferies says: “All of us at Jefferies would like to thank all the dedicated professionals working tirelessly on the front line to help those in need. They are the true heroes whom we are honored to help in Peg’s name.”

Deepa Korea, RCN Foundation Director says: “This incredible gift from Jefferies will make a real and lasting difference to the nursing and midwifery community in these unprecedented times.  We are most grateful for their support, which will not only help those individuals who may be experiencing personal hardship as a result of COVID-19 but will also help to address some of the psychological implications associated with working on the frontline at this difficult time.“