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Stuck for ideas on how you can support the RCN Foundation? We’ve come up with lots of suggestions below, so you can feel inspired to fundraise or you can download our fundraising guide for tips and ideas on how to get started. 

Remember, we're here to help you with your fundraising. If you have any questions, email us at


Abseil – If you’re up for a thrill, why not do something daring? The bigger the stakes, the bigger the donation!


Birthday – Set up a birthday fundraising on Facebook. It’s really simple and straightforward –ask your friends and family to donate to the RCN Foundation instead of giving you presents or buying you a pint.


Climb to new heights…on your stairs - Get sponsored to climb the equivalent of major global landmarks like the Eiffel Tower or Ben Nevis over a week using your own stairs.


Detox – Like lent but you can do it throughout the year! Put your will power to the test and give something up for a month – whether it be chocolate, sweets, or alcohol. Set up a JustGiving page and ask family and friends to sponsor you.


Endurance Challenge - Get sponsored to do 1000 squats or hold a plank for as long as you can.


Film Club - Pick a film to watch, meet up with your friends to discuss the film and ask for a donation to take part. You could use Netflix Party to watch the film at the same time, or host a book club instead?


Games night - Host an evening of games and challenges with friends. Add a bit of extra fundraising into the night by giving penalty fines for being late or talking about work.


Head Shaving – Fancy a haircut? Why not raise money at the same time! Set up a JustGiving page and ask friends, family and colleagues to donate.


Jumble Sale – Sell your unwanted items and donate funds raised to the RCN Foundation.


Karaoke Night - Meet your friends at the local karaoke bar and sing your hearts out!


Late Night Walk – Organise a late-night sponsored walk with colleagues. Decide the route and get your walking gear ready!


Miles at Home - Set yourself a target to complete a certain number of miles or steps in a certain amount of time. You could challenge yourself to do 20,000 steps a day for a month or cycle 5 miles a day for a month,


Non-Uniform Day – Are you required to wear a uniform to work? Why not suggest wearing non uniform for a day and raise money in the process. If you’re customer facing, you could even see if they wanted to donate.


Old Clothes Sale – Been meaning to clear out your wardrobe? There’s no time like the present! Sell your unwanted clothing on Depop or Vinted and donate funds raised to the RCN Foundation.


Party Time - Get dressed to the nines, get your favourite music on, and party food out. Meet with friends and ask for donations. You could host a best dressed or best dance move competition.


Quiz night - An easy one to host for an evening of relaxed entertainment. Simply ask family and friends to pay an entry fee and get quizzing!


Rounders Tournament – Ask each player to donate an entry fee – you can organise with family, friends, or work colleagues. May the best team win!


Sky Diving – One for the thrill seekers and sure to get plenty of donations.


Talent show - Get friends, family and colleagues together for a talent show. Ask them to share their talents and raise money by asking for donations to take part.


Upcycle - Get crafty and start making. Have a look for anything lying about your house, see what you can make and get sponsorship for your donations. Make it a competition and the bets upcycle wins!


Vegetable Patch – Are you a whizz in the garden? Why not grow your own vegetables and sell what you grow by leaving an honesty box outside your house.


Who’s the baby?! – Bring baby pictures to work and guess who is who. Ask for a donation to take part.


Xmas Fayre – Host a Christmas Fayre in the office - set up stalls, bring food, drinks, and have a merry time! Donate funds raised to the RCN Foundation.


Yogathon – Are you a yoga expert? Why not run your own yoga class and ask participants to contribute a small fee for taking part?


Zumbathon - If you're feeling energetic and want a physical challenge that lots of people can take part in, this is a great way to raise sponsorship together. Set up a class and ask for donations.