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General information

How are grants awarded?

Grants are awarded through an open application process and also through specific calls for applications.

Is there a deadline for applications?

There are no deadlines for open applications however for specific calls there will be deadlines that will need to be followed.

How many grants are awarded each year?

This varies and is dependent on the priorities for a given year.

How do I apply?

You can apply online through our website. 


Is my organisation eligible to apply?

Organisations need to be UK-based and should fall into one of the below categories:

Registered charities

- NHS trusts

- Health care organisations

- Higher education institutions

 What organisations will you not fund?

 -Projects or services that the government has a statutory responsibility to provide

Government bodies

 -Organisations with purposes at odds with our own

 -General, fundraising or marketing appeals

How much money am I able to apply for?

There is no upper limit, organisations are encouraged to apply for the full amount of funding that they need.

Are there any costs that you will not cover?

We don’t fund indirect costs, such as non-specialist equipment.

Before I apply

Can I submit a hard copy of my form?

We only accept online applications.

Does the RCN Foundation accept incomplete applications?

No, all parts of the application must be completed.

Do you provide feedback on applications?

Unfortunately, due to the number of applications we receive, we can’t give feedback.

Can I re-apply another year if my application is unsuccessful?

Yes, you can re-apply.

Completing the online application process

How long should my answers be?

Each section has a word limit.

I’ve started an online application and not submitted it yet. How can I continue my application?

Click on the apply now button. You will then be asked for your log in details, and should be directed to the application you started.

I have forgotten my password, what shall I do?

You will be able to reset your password through the website.

I have submitted my application but I want to make a change to it. Can I do so?

No, once you have submitted your application, you won’t be able to change it. We therefore strongly advise you to take the opportunity to review your application before submitting it.

I have missed the deadline due to an IT or technical issue. Can I still submit my application?

No, we can’t accept late applications. We therefore strongly recommend submitting before the deadline so that we can assist you with any technical difficulties you may experience.

Will I receive a confirmation email?

Applicants will receive an email to confirm their application has been submitted.  If not, please check your junk mail. If you still haven’t received a confirmation email, please contact

After applying

How long will it take to hear back about my application?

Applications over £5,000 have to be presented to our Grants Committee and Board. These meetings take place four times a year. Therefore it can take up to three months for a decision to be made.

Will the project team be invited to interview?

Applications may be invited to interview dependent on the amount applied to.

For specific project calls, all shortlisted applicants will be invited for interview.

Successful applicants

What are the terms and conditions of the grant?

You will receive a grant agreement that will include all the terms and conditions of the payment of the grant.

What happens if the project is not completed?

You may be asked to repay the grant awarded to you, or future payments may be withheld.