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General information

How are grants awarded?

Grants are awarded through an open application process.

How many grants are awarded each year?

We award grants to over 100 people a year.

How do I apply?

You can apply online through our website. 

When will the grants be open?

Our grants are open at different times throughout the year. To receive updates on when our education grants open, please sign up to the RCN Foundation email newsletter. 

Am I eligible?

There are different eligibility criteria for different schemes. Please check the information for each individual grant when they open.

Who is not eligible?

  • Medical personnel

  • Nurses registered outside of the UK

  • Individuals in a support role not managed by a registered nurse

  • Undergraduate student nurses

  • Anyone who has received a grant within the last 12 months.

What course start dates are eligible?

The eligible course start dates will vary depending on what grant you are applying for. Please check the individual grant pages for more information.

What courses are eligible?

Courses need to be accredited by a UK higher education institution.

What courses are not eligible?

Courses that are not accredited by a UK higher education institution and alternative therapy courses.

What can I apply for funding for?

  • Course fees

  • Travel for the course

  • Childcare relating to the course

  • Accommodation relating to the course

  • Staff replacement costs, if it’s at least five consecutive days, or six or more days in total for each calendar year of your study. You would pass on this money to your employer.

What am I not able to apply for funding for?

  • Books

  • IT equipment or software

  • Meals and subsistence

  • Taxis/car mileage except when there’s a medical, or other compelling, reason

  • Service development project costs.

How much money can I apply for?

Each scheme is different.

  • Deliveroo-RCN Foundation NHS Education Fund: up to £1,600 a year
  • RCN Foundation-Leathersellers’ CYP Mental Health Grant: up to £1,600 a year
  • RCN Foundation-Olufunke Adeyeye Grant: up to £1,600 a year

  • Monica Baly Grant - up to £1,000 

  • RCN Foundation Needlemakers – up to £1,000

  • RCN Marcia Mackie and Rae Bequest – up to £300 and £1,000

    What references do I need?

    If you are applying for a qualification that’s a level 6 (degree level) or below, you need one reference from your manager.

    If you’re applying for a qualification that’s level 7 (postgraduate level) or above, you need one reference from your manager and one academic reference.

    If you are submitting two references, they must be from two different people.

    Who can provide an academic reference?

    Someone who is able to comment on your academic ability. For example, a past tutor or senior professional colleague.

    What should the academic reference include?

    Comment on the standard of your academic work and commitment to study.

    Any reason your reference knows about why you don’t have the study skills and academic ability necessary for successful postgraduate study.

    I have already started my course. Can I apply for funding for the fees that I have already paid?

    Unfortunately, we can’t fund retrospectively. If you’ve started a course and have modules within the eligible dates, you can apply for funding to cover them.

    RCN Foundation Student Grants

    When will the grants be open for applications?

    RCN Foundation Student Grant application open in the autumn.

    Am I eligible?

    For RCN Foundation Get Into Nursing, you need to:

    • Be a graduate in any academic discipline with an upper second- or first-class undergraduate degree

    • Be eligible to apply for a nursing degree or postgraduate diploma course with an eligible start date, or have already started the course

    • Already have experience of healthcare of at least 500 hours in the last five years

    • Live in the UK and have firm intent to work in the UK.

    For the RCN Foundation Leathersellers’ Grant you need to be:

    • Starting or already enrolled on a UK undergraduate nursing degree with an eligible start date

    • Starting or already enrolled on a full time course

    • In any year of the degree programme

    • Able to demonstrate a commitment to work in the UK.

    Who is not eligible?

    • Registered nurses

    • Anyone who does not have a first degree

    • Anyone who did not achieve a 2.1 or above in their first degree

    • Anyone who has received a grant within the last 12 months.

    What course start dates are eligible?

    Courses starting between February of the year of application and February of the following year are eligible.

    What can I apply for funding for?

    Our student grants are for cost of living and do not cover course fees.

    How much can I apply for?

    The Get Into Nursing grant is for £2,500 per year of the course.

    The Leathersellers’ Grant is a one-off payment of £2,500

    What am I not able to apply for funding for?

    Our Student Grants do not cover course fees.

    What references do I need?

    Get Into Nursing: you need one reference from your manager and another academic reference. These must be from different people. Please provide an academic reference from your undergraduate degree.

    Leathersellers’ Grant: you need one academic reference from your school.

    Before I apply

    Can I submit a hard copy of my form?

    We only accept online applications.

    What if I have a disability and can’t complete the online application?

    If you have a disability and find it difficult to complete the online application, please contact us on:

    Can I apply on behalf of other people?

    No, the application has to be made by the individual who is doing the course.

    Can I apply for more than one course per application?

    No, if you are applying for more than one course, you will need to complete a separate application for each one.

    Does the RCN Foundation accept incomplete applications?

    No, all parts of the application must be completed.

    Can the RCN Foundation help me to find a course?

    No, we can’t help you find a course. Unfortunately, we can’t provide any type of career advice as we are a grant-giving charity.

    If my application is unsuccessful, will I receive feedback?

    Unfortunately, due to the number of applications we receive, we aren’t able to give feedback on individual applications.

    Can I re-apply another year if my application is unsuccessful?

    Yes, you can re-apply.

    Completing the online application process

    How long should my answers be?

    Each section has a word limit.

    I’ve started an online application and not submitted it yet. How can I continue my application?

    Click on the application button. You will then be asked for your log in details, you should be directed to the application you have started.

    I have forgotten my password, what shall I do?

    You will be able to reset your password through the website.

    I have submitted my application but I want to make a change to it. Can I?

    No, once you have submitted your application, you will not be able to make changes to it. So we strongly advise you to take the opportunity to review your application before submitting it.

    I have missed the deadline due to an IT or technical issue. Can I still submit my application?

    No, we can’t accept any late applications submitted after the deadline. So we strongly recommend submitting before the deadline so that we can help you with any technical difficulties you may experience.

    Will I receive a confirmation email?

    Applicants will receive an email to confirm their application has been submitted.  If not, please check your junk mail. If you still haven’t received a confirmation email, please write to

    How long will it take to hear back about my application?

    It would usually take up to six weeks after the application closing date to hear back.

    How do I complete the Budget Breakdown section?

    Please list each individual module/activity for which you are requesting funding for. If you are requesting funding for travel or staff replacement costs please ensure that you use the most accurate figures that you have as you will not be able to increase the amount after the closing date. If you are applying for a cost that is not listed please select Other and provide details where prompted.

    Shortlisted applicants

    Will I need to attend an interview?

    You will only need to attend an interview if you applied for a student grant and are shortlisted.

    When do interviews take place?

    Interviews will take place following the closing date and once applications have been reviewed. Shortlisted applicants will be contacted by email to inform them of the date.

    If I am shortlisted for an interview and can’t make that date, can I come on a different date?

    No, if you can’t make the interview, another date can’t be arranged. We do offer Skype interviews if you can’t attend in person.

    If I am unsuccessful at the interview stage, will I receive feedback?

    Unfortunately, due to the number of applications we receive, we can’t give feedback on individual applications.

    Successful applicants

    What are the terms and conditions of my grant?

    You will need to submit evaluation reports on your learning experience to the RCN Foundation. Full payment of the grant will not be made until we have received these. Successful applicants will receive the full terms and conditions with their award letter.

    My course has increased in price, can you pay the new price?

    Once a grant has been awarded, we can’t amend the amount.

    What happens if I am unable to complete my course or submit reports when required?

    You may be asked to repay the grant awarded to you.

    Can I join the alumni network?

    Yes, all successful applicants will automatically be signed up to the alumni network.

    Any questions not answered here, please do email Good luck!